Original Art by Olivia Gonzalez

Shop Small Art, Gifts & Palettes

Letter Initials - Choose Any Letter A-Z and Color Palette

Letter Initials - Choose Any Letter A-Z and Color Palette


You Choose a letter and email me your preferred color palette. If you have a favorite flower or love clouds and rainbows and skies, or more landscape or ocean vibes- just include that in your email instructions.

Each letter is approximately 9 inches tall and between 6 and 7 inches wide based on the letter.

Perfect gift for weddings, baby showers or childrens rooms, photo props or accent decor!

Creation and shipping within 2 to 3 weeks*

I’ll message you when project starts and when I ship! :) If this is a gift or you need it sooner, please let me know and I’ l do my best to expedite it for you!

Email @GarageRosesArtStudio@gmail.com after purchase with additional information regarding color palette, theme or specific flowers

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